I was in charge of all engineering. I headed the construction of multiple tools and long-term projects.<\/p><\/div>\nSee WAA's Website<\/a>
\nRelated Languages<\/span><\/h2><\/a>\n
\nA massive amount of JavaScript. The coolest being the VCR front-end framework. <\/span><\/div><\/a>\n
\nI love php. <\/span><\/div><\/a>\n
\nI dismissed HTML at first... but serving up raw html has ended up being important for performance optimization. <\/span><\/div><\/a>\n
\n <\/span><\/div><\/a>\n
\nWith WAA, I have had to implement a lot of HTACCESS <\/span><\/div><\/a>\n
\nThe longest project with WAA (the database manager) focused on dynamically generating MySQL interfaces from table meta-data. <\/span><\/div><\/a>\n
\nI have found great use out of the isolation that SQLite provides. <\/span><\/div><\/a>\n
\nWindows OS Programs <\/span><\/div><\/a>\n
\nI learned a little Bash to go along with Git. <\/span><\/div><\/a>\n
\nI made a GitHub because of the version control. <\/span><\/div><\/a>\n
\n <\/span><\/div><\/a>\n
\n <\/span><\/div><\/a>\nRelated Projects<\/span><\/h2><\/a>\n
\nTool for generating SEO-Complete websites for WAA.<\/span><\/div><\/a>\n
\nThe daily wizard organizes and collects data for WAA.<\/span><\/div><\/a>\n
\nI2I is comprehensive invoicing software written at WAA.<\/span><\/div><\/a>\n
\nVideo game created for WAA<\/span><\/div><\/a>\n